How to Add Crew Members in iPirates to Move Up Levels and How Use Your PlayMesh Points Effectively

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Deck Crew

Adding to your Crew is a standard part of the iPirates experience. As you go through iPirates you are going to be required to have certain numbers of crew members to perform Quests and buy Properties. Fights will often come down to the number of Crew members you have, especially at early levels when Crew members are still scarce. Here is an easy guide to buying Crew members in iPirates.

Using the Black Beard Option

When you are at the main iPirates menu go down to Black Beard where it advertises itself as where you “receive offers.” When you open this you go to the bottom and select the button titled Black Bear Offers. At the top is where you will see the button that says “Hire a crew member,” with a price to the right. Press this once and it will turn into a blue button that says Confirm Payment. Press it again and you will hire a Crew member for the stated price.

Hire Crew As Needed

Once you hire a Crew member the price to add another will go up. This will go up consistently as you add Crew members to your iPirates account. You are going to need these especially as you buy properties. A single crew member can manage up to three properties, so you will have to add according to this need. These do not include Undeveloped properties as Establishments are the only ones that need this Crew support.

Using PlayMesh Points to Purchase Crew Members

Since these are going to be very expensive after you get a couple dozen you should buy them as is needed for Quests and Properties. Since you should be fighting off leveling up as much as possible in iPirates, this should be done at your discretion. If you have available PlayMesh Points then you should use these on Crew members when they get expensive. You should start off with a few PlayMesh Points, but if you want to use a number of these then you can always purchase PlayMesh Points packages. Two Crew members will cost you twenty PlayMesh points, so conserve them when playing iPirates. Make sure to only use the PlayMesh Points on Crew members when you have higher numbers, and if you must use them earlier only use them on money.

This post is part of the series: iPirates Tips

Here are articles with guides and tips for iPirates for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

  1. iPirates Tips: The Brothel
  2. iPirates Tips: Hitlist
  3. iPirates: Tips for PlayMesh Points
  4. iPirates: Adding Crew Members
  5. iPirates: Guide to Starting Out