A Gamer's Guide to Playing Guitar in the Sims 3

A Gamer's Guide to Playing Guitar in the Sims 3
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What is Guitar in the Sims 3?

Guitar in the Sims 3 is one of the most popular and enjoyable skills. Sims can do many things with this skill, such as have fun playing, provide fun to others who are listening (provided the Sim is relatively good at playing the guitar), and Sims can make some extra cash through tips. This skill can also be used to gain friends.

Necessary Traits

Certain traits will help a Sim wishing to pursue guitar. These include:

Virtuoso: This trait will help Sims learn how to play the guitar faster. It will also help them receive more tips when playing the guitar.

Artistic: Music is an art so it’s no surprise that the artistic trait would be beneficial. It will help guitar-playing Sims learn to play the guitar a little faster.

Party Animal: Guitar playing Sims often have rockstar dreams and the life of a rockstar involves plenty of wild parties. This trait will aid Sims in throwing great parties. With every great party they throw comes new friends to help them with other goals, skills, and wishes.

Loves the Outdoors: This trait isn’t one most would think of in terms of helping raise the guitar skill. However, Sims who wish to play for tips often do so outside in a public park. If they do not like the outdoors, they will not care to spend much time in parks playing guitar and getting those tips. This trait will also help to boost their mood when they are spending time entertaining other Sims in the park.

Lifetime Wishes

Sims 3 Guide to Guitar - acoustic calrsims

Certain lifetime wishes are the envy of all guitar-playing Sims. These include:

Rock Star: Many Sims who pursue the guitar will have the ultimate wish of becoming a rock star and achieving celebrity status. Gaining some creativity, charisma, and logic will be beneficial to Sims with this lifetime wish.

Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers: This lifetime wish involves wanting to achieve a level 10 skill level in both guitar and charisma. This is relatively easy for Sims with a little effort. Sims should make as many friends as they possibly can to make this wish a reality.

Master of the Arts: This lifetime wish involves wanting to achieve a level 10 skill level in both guitar and painting. This will take a little more work that Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers. Sims should also work on their creativity to make this wish a reality.

Hit Movie Composer: Sims with this lifetime wish aspire to reach the highest level on the symphonic career track. Sims with this wish should also work on raising their logic skill.

How to Play for Tips

Sims 3 Guide to Guitar - guitar in park wordpress

Once Sims reach level five in this skill, they will be able to start playing for tips. To play for tips, put the Sim’s guitar in their inventory, then head to the park or another public place. Choose the guitar and click on play for tips and the Sim will begin playing guitar. Those who enjoy the Sim’s music will tip them. Sims who take playing in public places for tips seriously can easily make at least 500 to a 1,000 simoleans in a day. If a Sim is trying to make playing guitar for tips their main source of income, they should play during the day because there will be more Sims around to give them tips.

The amount of performances a Sim has initiated determines their tips. For example, Sims who consistently cancel performances will raise their total and get huge tips. This could be fixed with a patch in the future, but it should be taken advantage of for the time being.

Making Friends with Guitar

Playing the guitar, and playing it well, is a great way to make friends in the Sims 3. Sims who get caught up in another Sims’ music will notice their relationship bar gradually rising. If a Sim spends enough time playing guitar in public places, they can become friends with everyone there. Sims will also make friends just as easily when playing for tips so they can keep making money and friends at the same time.

Mastering the Art of Guitar

Sims 3 Guide to Guitar - playing guitar ign

Mastering guitar in the Sims 3 is quite easy as long as a Sim keeps practicing and playing. They can get to level 10 rather quickly. Every book that is necessary to master every song can be easily found and purchased in the book store. The other songs will be available as Sims reach certain skill levels. To make extra cash in a short period of time, simply pursue the challenges that pop up occasionally. It will take some work and playing regularly, but if a Sim treats playing guitar as a regular job and pursues the challenges and plays for tips several times a week, they can make a lot of money with this Sims 3 skill.