The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Review

The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Review
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The Sims 3: High End Loft Stuff

This stuff package that was released for The Sims 3 features high-end and very modern style items. This upgrade allows users to upgrade their Sims houses with modern style in the home and around town. The new furnishings, fashion, and electronics really makes this a worthwhile package to purchase.

10th Anniversary Gifts

One of the great things that The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff added with the stuff package was the Sims 10th Anniversary gifts to the game. These gifts include items from the original The Sims and The Sims 2 games.


Heart Shaped Vibrating Bed

This is one of the staples of The Sims games and many gamers were very disappointed when it was not originally added to The Sims 3. This bed was originally added in The Sims: Livin’ Large. Both versions of the bed is called the “Vibromatic Heart Bed.” In The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff, this bed gives only Sims three energy so it probably is not a bed to be used regularly. It does however, raise the odds of conceiving a baby, so when wanting to conceive, use this one!

Electric Guitar

Electric Guitar

The guitar has been a favorite musical instrument of Sims since the beginning with The Sims: Livin’ Large. In the base game of The Sims 3, a regular acoustic guitar called the Sonaflux Guitar is available. An additional one is also available for purchase from The Sims 3 Store in the “Steampunk” set called the Dulcinea Guitar. The electric guitar for this stuff pack gives an electric guitar called the Das Kauker R86.

The Sims 3 Aquarium


The base game for The Sims 3 only offers a fish bowl. Not exactly an aquarium, which has been available throughout the series. The addition of an updated aquarium with this stuff package really made Sim fans happy. This aquarium allows Sims to even catch fish and then put them in their aquarium. Six fish may be placed in the aquarium, and they must be fed each day or they will die.

Graphics (5 out of 5)

Deocr and Fashion

The Sims 3 graphics are more advanced than previous games in the series, and this stuff package doesn’t disappoint. The changes that the player can make in the custom designing area is huge! You can change your Sim’s clothing or décor items from fabric style, color, and patterns!

Sound (5 out of 5)

Sims 3 Dancing

The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff doesn’t give any new additions to the sounds in the game. However, when playing the game you are able to turn on and off sounds, listen to a radio, and if the primary stations aren’t your thing, custom music is still able to be added to give you limitless options from your own music library.

User Interface (5 out of 5)

The user interface in The Sims 3 is quite easy to navigate and figure out. This stuff package didn’t make adjustments to it, so based on the overall ease of it, I think it is fantastic.

Gameplay (5 out of 5)

The Sims 3 gameplay is really limitless. If you can think of something to do in the game, chances are you can do it, or something very similar to it. If what you’re waiting for isn’t available yet, just wait for a new expansion pack or stuff package, or check out their store online. This is a remarkable game that takes users imagination and fun up a level from regular games.