The Best Unusual Themed Text Based iPhone MMO RPGs at the App Store

The Best Unusual Themed Text Based iPhone MMO RPGs at the App Store
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Strange Worlds

Most of the text based iPhone MMO RPGs all follow a similar track of themes. These often include a focus on organized crime, warfare somewhere in a mythological middle ages, commercial racing or street racing, and zombies or vampires. Outside of this predictable mode there are some other themes that have crept in and maintained popularity, partly because of their innovation. Here is a look at the best unusual theme text based iPhone RPGs that have made their way to the iPhone App Store.

Rockstars Live

Rockstars Live has become one of the most popular of the Storm8 releases, yet it follows the pattern set up by games like Racing Live and Zombies Live pretty closely. Rockstars Live involves you as an up and coming musician trying to take your band into superstardom. You gain experience and money through things like playing gigs and practicing, and your equipment takes the form of musical equipment. Like the rest of the Storm8 model you will use Rockstars Live Band Codes to add other players to your Band. These Rockstars Live Band Codes are absolutely essential to your progress as you will not be able to add massive numbers of people to your Rockstars Live Band without using Rockstars Live Band Codes. Each player is assigned a Rockstars Live Band Code, at it is used to identify them. Other Rockstars Live players will then enter your Rockstars Live Band Code to find and add you, and visa versa. There is also a series of Rockstars Live Reward Points that are used to gain things in the game that you would normally wait for, such as energy recharges, money, and changes in your account. It is standard to buy Rockstars Live Reward Points at the App Store with real money, though there are often offers of free Rockstars Live Reward Points as promotional offers.


iRobots, from PlayMesh, is a much different format that Rockstars Live. iRobots follows a futuristic world where battles between robots are


a fundamental aspect of permanent warfare. iRobots continues the PlayMesh gaming model where you continue missions for credits and experience, fight other players, and give progress to your character in every way possible. Instead of using a system like Rockstars Live Band Codes you will purchase other robots for your team internally, so there is no reason to have something like an assigned Rockstars Live Band Code. iRobots PlayMesh Points work very similarly to Rockstars Live Reward Points, and you purchase these iRobots PlayMesh Points from the App Store in the same way. What is different is that many of your iRobots PlayMesh Points will be used to purchase robots for your account as the price for them becomes exponentially higher as you purchase more. You are going to focus on leveling up, not only your character, but different missions as well. All of this is very focused to your character and how you see your progression.

Epic Chef Wars


Epic Chef Wars is one of the strangest gaming themes for an iPhone RPG out there, but it seems to work perfectly within its context. Like all of the text based iPhone MMO RPGs, you are asked to progress your character both personally and competitively. You will focus in on training your Epic Chef Wars character and the equipment you acquire will be things like Cookware, Recipe Books, and Clothing. A Cook Off system between characters brings a whole new element and really adds to the level of competition that takes place.